Faced with a mysterious Unknown Enemy that boasts overwhelming strength, a new GUNDAM arises, evolving itself through battle. Now the curtain rises on an epic Gundam saga spanning 100 years and three generations.
*This Japanese product comes with a sleeve case illustrated by mechanic designer Kanetake Ebikawa and a special inner jacket by character designer Michinori Chiba and chief mechanic animator Ken Otsuka. *Volume 2 includes episode 3, 4, 5 & 6. *This Blu-ray disc is region-free and includes English subtitles. 内容(「キネマ旬報社」データベースより) ガンダム史上初、3世代にわたる壮大なドラマを描いたSFアニメ第2巻。ノーラ崩壊のタイムリミットが迫る中、フリットは逃げ遅れた少女をガンダムに乗せ宇宙に出るが、そこで新たな敵に遭遇する。第3話から第6話を収録。特典CDほかを封入。